Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Photography, and the anxiety it causes me.

I am many things.
I am a Great Mama & Mommy.
I am a hard worker.
I am compassionate.
I am a good friend.
I am (now) a blogger.
I am a night owl.
I am LOUD.
I am caring.
I am fun.

I am NOT confident. (well....not in my potential for success anyway.)

I am absolutely panicking about 2012. I have promised many people in my life that THIS will be the year that I get serious about photography. I have spent the last 2 years building up my albums and doing free shoots, to be able to create a website that will accurately portray what I am capable of. I had a WONDERFUL year with my Canon Rebel, and I learned so much!

2012 will see me saying goodbye to my friend, my Rebel. I have (literally, an hour ago) purchased a $OMFG.00 replacement. It is currently "Scheduled For Shipping Soon" and should be at the post office no later than February 27, 2012.

I am absolutely horrified that I have made an investment, that is destined to disappoint all those who have supported me in my endeavors. I am absolutely having an ANXIETY ATTACK at the thought of disappointing Sean. He has backed every decision I have made with a camera in my hand. He has supported me every step of the way. He is the one that clicked the "Continue To Check Out" button on this morning, when the panic set in and I had to walk away. He is the one who assures me that it is a smart decision, and that I smile more honestly when I get BEHIND the lens. His is the voice I hear when the terror sets in.

I have an amazing designer working on my watermark. ((Shout out to Meghan Skelly))
I have a FB page almost ready, I'm just waiting on the watermark to add all my albums.
I have a website almost ready to publish.
And business cards have been ordered.

This year, I WILL do this for real.
This year will be  a learning experience, and I will grow.
This year will be scary, and amazing.
 This year will be amazingly scary.

So, having said all that. I have decided to change the name of my photography."From Here To The Moon" isn't WHO I am. It's what I SAY to my children before bedtime. While it is deeply personal and holds a place in my heart that no one else will ever reach....I feel it doesn't appropriately account for the type of business I wish to have.

I want clients to come to me for their memory keeping because they want someone who will tell them to climb into trees, and jump off of brick walls, and throw their baby boys in the air, and roll around in a pile of leaves. I want to be a photographer who is described as: Fun, Adventurous, Inventive, Spontaneous, Creative, Hyper, and Memorable.

So, watch me grow this year.
You can follow me (soon) at:



Anonymous said...

LOVE the name!! I think that's great. I can't wait to see the website and Facebook page. We'll be rooting you on every step of the way.

A little off topic, but what are you doing with the Rebel?

Heather said...

PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!! beyond perfect name. so catchy. so memorable. def right up YOUR alley.

part of being a responsible mama is feeling like every decision has potential to crash and burn and omg then what have i done?!?!!?!

you DO NOT have to worry about that. never let any setbacks define you. you're gonna SOAR!!!!!!

woot woot.

Xoxo, Colie said...

Thanks Mama's! :0)
My panic has slightly subsided. LOL
It calmed enough for me to buy ONE more lens before putting the debit card down. =P

HEATHER::: you need to change that picture Mama! That was you like a whole different body ago! YOu need to update to your more recent, slimmer ones!

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