Monday, February 13, 2012

:::Valentine's Day:::

Tomorrow is my FAVORITE holiday.
It's a day of love and of laughter.
A day of waking up and kissing eachother a little bit longer.
A day where you see girls smiling as they walk to their car carrying flowers.
A day where men are proud of their grand gestures.
A day of babies dressed in pink and red, and little boys clad in ties and vests.
It's the day we all doodled about in our composition books in high school.

To me, tomorrow is a day to do something kind and thoughtful for someone who isn't expecting it. A day full of opportunities to bring a smile to a sad face. A day to make someone feel like they're important to you. A day to make them feel loved, and cared for.

It's a day to cut snadwiches into hearts, and to write "I Love You" onthe napkin your son/daughter takes in their lunch box. It's a day to make pink strawberry milk and dunk oreos with red centers into it. It's a day full of lolipops and Hershey's Kisses.

It's a day to spoil one another. It's a day to remember that it's ok to stop being "Mom" or "Dad" for a day, and to be a Lover. It's ok to be mushy and romantic, and ((dirty)) ohhh myyyy! ;-p It's ok to have more than one glass of wine, and it's ok to dump the kids on Grandma and hit the town. It's ok to ditch the modest work-appropriate clothes, and take your hair down! So hop in the car, and drive to Victoria's Secret, spend too much on wearing far too little, and buy something a little slutty (in the good way, of course! Meoooow, Hot Mama!!!).So many of us have become entranced at the idea of being the "Perfect" parent, that we have lost sight of maintining a GREAT relationship. Now, I don't know about you....but the last time Sean and I went on a "date-night" just the two of us was 21 months ago. ((YES, Thats right....TWENTY ONE months ago!)) And you know what? I know I'm a great Mama. So, I am looking forward to possibly planning a date night for this Valentine's Day :0)

So, to all of you:::: enjoy your heart shaped cards, enjoy your strawberry milk, smell your flowers, and give too many kisses!  :0)

  <3  Happy Valentine's Day <3


Popino said...

Going out on dates makes you better parents. Because let's face it no one ever starts a relationship for the sole is the more likely purpose of having children. If you go out alone even if its just once a month even for something as simple as coffee it strengthens your relationship. The stronger your relationship its the more likely you are to have "alone" time. Let's face reality sex is the glue that keeps relationships together. It makes Mommies and Daddies happier. And happy mommies and daddies make happier babies :)

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