Monday, February 6, 2012

In 2012....

I know I am a little behind for writing my "Resolutions", but 2012 & I have a lot to get accomplished. So, while I may be 'late', I feel I must document as a means of keeping myself on task and holding myself accountable.

*I will give my babies one EXTRA "I love you" without actually SAYING the words, daily. I will show them in a unique and special way each and every day.
* I will read 10 books
*I will hit the gym, GOAL: (-50lbs)
*I will kiss him when I am angry
*I will admit I am wrong
* I will smile when someone is rude to me
*I will not drink soda more than once a week
*I will befriend someone with whom I have previously not gotten along with.
* I will apologize for a wrong I have committed, and be genuine.
* I will give a gift anonymously
* I will make a donation
* I will get healthy, so that by this time next year....we can start trying for another baby <3
* I will enjoy my days off, and not fill them with tasks and chores
* I will let the kids make BIG messes and not have an anxiety attack
* I WILL earn more money this year, than I did last year doing Photography
* I will  INVEST in my passion and know that it's ok. That means a better camera, more equipment, and a website! (( insert PANIC here))
* I will know that working nights and missing bedtime 5 nights a week is OK. My children love me and they call me every night before bed. I am doing what is best by NOT being there, even if that is hard to swallow.
*I will plan a vacation. We have NEVER gone any as a family for longer than a day trip. We deserve it, and we will all appreciate it.
* I will remember that some people may be thinner than me, smarter than me, funnier than me, prettier than me...but NONE of them are as in love or as happy as I am. :0)
*I will shower alone only 4 times a week ;0)
*I will plan a romantic weekend, and surprise him.
* I will teach each of my children something new.
* I will LEARN something new from each of my children.
*I will do something that scares the ever living $H!T out of me
* I will kiss him, likes its the first time
*I will get in the car and drive without purpose, and bring my family on an adventure :0)
* I WILL be outdoorsy this summer ((Eeeek!))
*I will learn how to fix something in the house and in the car ((God:::Please help Sean to stay calm))
* I will love my parents and appreciate them in a way that I ounce found difficult.
* I will read more stories to my children
* I will not let people take advantage ((My kindness is NOT weakness))
* I will teach someone else to be strong.
* I will forgive someone who has hurt me.
* I will ask forgiveness for hurt I have caused.
* I will make sure I get into the CASAC classes within the next 12 months.
* I will not judge my success by the success of others. We each have our own book, and we reach chapters at our own pace. I need not try to catch up, while we are all just different volumes of the same series.
* I will go running with my Dog.
* I will look in the mirror and be HAPPY with what I see :0)
* I will learn how to curl my own hair
* I will make a dress for Nola by MYSELF!
*I will plan the most fantastical-awesome-riffic Dino-Themed Birthday anyone has ever seen :0)

I am sure I will be adding to this as time passes. But this will be a good, healthy reminder of all the things that I KNOW I am capable of. So if ever I seem to faulter in my self assuredness....remind me, please? :0)


Heather said...

love it!!!! mama is on a mission!!

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