Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lyrics that sing the songs of my heart

Almost four years ago, I met a Man.

I fell in Love with this Man.
This Man.....had BAGGAGE.
To all my fellow Step-Mama's:::: I am sure you all have your own definition of what "baggage" was. For me, Baggage was : Loving a man who had a separated marriage, a 4 yr old, and another baby on the way (from the separated marriage). Now, I have had MANY a dirty look whilst explaining this set of circumstances, and let me clarify::: I did NOT break up the marriage, I didn't steal a Married-Expectant Father from a Mommy-to-be. He was separated when I met him, thank you very much. You can stop looking down your noses at me now. We were both jaded. But, we shared something else as well::: We are forgiving, and we are compassionate. We are two people that have been hurt and have healed, and hurt again. We have different stories and took different roads to get together. But, somehow our hearts beat in the same rhythm and when we lay in bed together and start to drift off to sleep....our breathing patterns synchronize, and we fall asleep in tune. We needed each other, just like we need the air that keeps our chests rising and falling to the same beat. :0)

"I'm Looking For Baggage That Goes With Mine"

Some of you may have read the above paragraph and thought, "Why on EARTH did you willingly enter into that?!" My answer is simple: I was in love. When he holds me, and I close my eyes....I envision us gray and wrinkled, sitting on our front porch watching our Children run and play in our backyard with our Grandchildren. I AM in love. I looked ahead and I knew what I was getting myself into. But, I looked into his eyes....and all that faded. I looked past custody arrangements, and past all the drama. I knew WE could do it.

"You and Me Together, We Can Do Anything...Baby"

I look in his eyes, and all I see is forever. I look at our babies, and I see a tangible example of our love. They are kind, and they are thoughtful. They smile, and my life lights up. I cannot imagine a day without him or without them. We have had our hard days. By God, we have. But.....once night comes, I always find myself snuggled in his arms waiting for a new day to begin. I look at him, and he is all I want. He is all I need.

"Marry, Me. Today and Everyday"

I look at our children, and I think::: "God, I am so very...very lucky to have them. I don't know what I did right to deserve them, but I am so happy they are mine." I cannot believe that my heart has enough room for so much love inside of it.

"Oh, and when the kids are old enough we're gonna teach them to....FLY."


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