Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hi, Hello!

After ((much)) time spent trying to figure out how the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks these crafty Mama's out there get their pages to look so flippin' cute.....I am proud to say that my blood, sweat, and tears ((sort of)) paid off! I was unable to find a layout that I feel is 'perfect', but I at least know how to go about hunting further. Hey, progress is progress...right?! ;0)

 Let me start off by saying "Hi, hello!" Well, now that that's out of the way....Let me explain why I am here. I decided to start writing in blog form, after YEARS of hand writing to my children. When Sean and I met, I went out and bought a Black, Leather bound book. I bought it for my Gavman. I wrote to him several times a week, after I had safely tucked him in and heard the sounds of his breathing get slower and more melodic. Once he had safely drifted off to DreamLand I would take my book from my nightstand and my pen would find it's way to the paper. Then, when Holden was born, I bought a second book. I followed that up with feeling guilty and buying one for Sean as well. Now with Nola here, I literally cannot keep up! Not only is it nearly impossible to find time to document in 4 different places, it's also a very HEAVY task. ((Literally!)) So, while I will of course keep their books, and hopefully still catch up in them from time to time so that I may give each child their book when they turn 18 like my plan was from day one. ((And to give Sean his book on our 25th anniversary)). But, in the mean time and to save my arms some stress.....writing online will serve as a much more realistic way to document their lives for them :0)

So, stay tuned! I have about 4 years worth of Momminess to catch up on! 


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