Monday, December 17, 2012

Gavin Niles Liam:::3,285 days:::Turning Nine

3,285 days ago, my littleBIGboy was born.

 I was 16, and learning to drive.

Never in a million years did I think at this moment, the little man who would make me a Mama was coming into the World.

I was getting my first kiss, and looking for my first job.

I had no idea that just one town away, my little professor was taking his first breath.

I am so thankful that Sean and Heather's paths crossed, and lead them to each other. They weren't destined to grow old together in each other's arms, but to grow old cheering their son's on together as friends.

Their song was "God Bless the Broken Road", by Rascal Flatts. I smile when I think of this. It's somehow fitting, even now that they are no longer together and even though they have both moved on. Somehow the lyrics still work in some respect....and maybe it makes sense now more than it did back then, for them. They do have a 'broken road" at times. They are the best parents ever, and really have made leaps and bounds to come together and form a friendship to best parent the kids together. But, if they spend more than an hour in a room together without a break.... you will see why they are better off as friends. (( LOL )) So, while they weren't meant to forge a road together.... their paths were meant to cross. And Gavin is what their first purpose was.

I am ever grateful that the roads they travel, briefly became an intersection and that they welcomed a son into this World together. He is the one who made all three of us parents for the first time. He is the one that brought us into adulthood, and gave us priorities. He is who made us realize the true meaning of unconditional Love. He is the reason that we are 'boring' and have chocolate milk in our glasses instead of booze. The reason we watch 'Spongebob' instead of 'Sex in The City". He is our reason....for everything.

As much as I celebrate Gavin's birth each year and pronounce my unconditional Love and Pride for him, I want to take a moment this year and really acknowledge my gratitude and the sincere feeling of being Blessed that I have for being able to be a part of his life. I am so happy that these two people brought this amazing child into this World, and that somehow I not only fell into place here with one...or two....but all three of them.

I could write forever, and cry my eyes out writing about how deep these feelings run through my sole. I could bring on the morning typing away about these amazing Loves that I have in my life. I could start and never stop about the beauty that our family has because of Sean, and Heather, and.....our Birthday Boy.

Thank you so much to the Baby Makers of My Birthday Baby <3

And a Happy, Joyous, Wonderful Birthday to my littleBIGboy ((Gavin Niles Liam)) Little Pokemon Trainer <3


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