Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Being Thankful


Since last year's day of Thanks, so much has happened. my family has had good days, and bad days. We have seen smiles, and we have wiped away tears. I cannot and will not ever be able to fully express in words all of the emotions that my heart feels.... but can anyone really, truly put feelings into writing? Can any of us ever describe why we fall in love, or how intuition makes us choose certain paths? I may not be able to accurately depict how our year as made me Thankful, but as always... I will certainly try. 

I am Thankful for my HUSBAND, and for my ability to finally call him that. I am Thankful that all the rest of my days.... I will be his, and he will be mine. I try every day to understand why I deserve to come home to my best friend, I suppose I may never get an answer. I don't think I am deserving. Maybe that's what a relationship is. Maybe we are all supposed to feel unworthy of such happiness, of such perfection in a partner.... maybe that is what we should all strive for, so that we may spend all the rest of our tomorrow's being Thankful and doing our best to become deserving. Only then will you not stray, will you not get complacent, and then you will find yourself being the person you always wanted to be. In being with that special person, and feeling like you've been blessed to have found such happiness.... you strive to be a better person for them, and eventually you realize that they make you a better person too. Sean is my everything. He is my reason for wanting to accomplish all the things in my life. He is the reason I have my babies, and that I get the chance every day to be a good great Mom. He is my phone call when I'm angry at the lady in front of me at Shoprite with 219874321032496421 coupons and I only have 20 minutes to get home and make it to work. He is the only who tells me it's ok, when the screen at the ATM yells at me, "YOU'RE BROKE!". He is the Man who finds his way to me in the dark when I stub my toe on the stairs trying to pee in the middle of the night. He is all my happy times, and all my hugs when I am sad. He is the source for everything in my life that has meaning. He gave me Love, my babies, a life, Hell.... he even gave me Heather. (lol) For all the joy that this Man brought to the life of a girl who thought she deserved so little.... I, am Thankful.

I am Thankful for my Babies. My Gavin. I am ever Thankful for my Little Professor, who everyday reminds me that he is GAVIN and not Aspergers, not Tourettes, nor ADHD. He is NOT a diagnosis, and he is just himself. He cracks me up with his silly-off the wall sense of humor. He confuses me with his endless knowledge of Pokemon. This Little one who eveolved himself from Thomas to Pikachu.... For this I am Thankful. My Holden. My Little Rockstar-Paleantoligist. His light shines brighter than the sun, and his curiosity has just grown as he does. He is like a sponge about facts, and he forgets NOTHING. He can tell you what each and every dinos name is in your Encyclopedia, and he will make you look like a fool. For him, I am Thankful. My Nola. Words cannot express the joy my life has, now that a Princess has joined us. She is  all the good inside of me, and my eyes fill sometimes when I look at her. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever done with my life, and she is all the music of my heart. I love that little Lady more than my voice could ever speak. For her, I am Thankful.

For Heather. We had seen our fair share of rocky roads, and somehow life brought us on to stable ground. We have found our way to a place that I never thought we could. We have become friends who can share a glass of wine, and paint our nails. We have endured 5 years of trials and tribulations, and somehow made it through to a place where we can survive a hurricane together. We have taken pictures, we have weathered storms, and we have a life time of 'sister-wife-ing' ahead of us as we raise these kids that she has graced me with.

I am Thankful for the Taskers. For Uncle Joe and Aunt Kathryn they have always been there for us and for our kids. They are my Holden's Godparents. Their daughters are my children's cousins. We are at their house for Family functions, and I consider myself at home in their home. I don't have to pretend to be anyone different while in their company, and that is hard to come by. They are beautiful, understanding, and REAL people. And for them...I am Thankful. 

My life is Blessed, and I am ever grateful for where we have ended up and for who we have here with us. I look forward to another year and all it brings, so that next list can be just as beautiful. <3

Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday, and that you have much to be Thankful for. 


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