Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Morning MisAdventures

Being woken up, a mere 4 hours after climbing into bed and submerging yourself under the gloriously comfortable blankets that were calling you name for ever single minute of your 8 hour not miraculous. But, having three little Wonders to do the waking, well----that is.

If I have to be a sleep deprivation induced Grump-Monster, I would gladly do it if every time I were awakened I got to hear three tiny voices doing the waking.

I work late hours, I rarely unwind enough to get into bed before 1:30/2am. I usually wake up to the sounds of little ones stirring in their beds after a solid 6 hours of sleep. Today, however, I am barely working off of 4 hours. My Little Lady is teething, and the only time she ever has a hard time sleeping solidly through the night is when those little chompers are making their way through the surface to say "hello".

But, alas. This morning her little toothlets decided that she need not sleep past about 6am. Seeing as she is a sharer of her melodious little coos and 'songs', she will happily wake her brothers up with a snazzy little tune of adorableness to start their day.

The boys woke up today accepting her tunes with smiles, even though Gavin had the day off of school and had been excited to sleep in. They just love her so much, that she can {ALMOST} do no wrong.

It is always amazing to me in these seemingly average moments, how much joy I feel. I look at Gavin standing at his sisters crib, while she reaches over the bars to try and snuggle into him, almost to say she missed him while she was sleeping. I hear Holden calling out from under the blankets he has buried his head under, his instant reaction any time we turn the bedroom lights on for the first time, saying "Good Morning Nola-Bean-Furrito-Pants..... I be dehr in a minute. My eyes are still sweepy, but I heeeeeaaaaaaar youuuuuuu." And the sounds of Nola's feet bouncing on her crib mattress, while clinging desperately to the rail for stabilization as she tries desperately to try to get to the place where his little voice is coming from, fills my heart.

These silly, random, seemingly normal moments.....these beautiful, simplistic, natural interactions that my babies have. THIS is when my eyes swell up. THIS is when I know I am a good Mommy. THIS is when my heart could burst with Love.

So here I am::::: hair a mess, teeth not brushed, coffee in hand, yawning and under a blanket surrounded by my babies watching Team UmiZoomi and Loving Life 2 hours earlier than I woud've liked to <3


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