Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Thousand Years

Please play while you read :0)----->

I logged onto Facebook this evening, to find a new message awaiting me. I always get excited, and eagerly clicked to see who had something on their mind to say. It was a wonderful friend, one whom I miss seeing everyday since we no longer work together. She was one of those people that I knew i was supposed to meet. Even though we rarely have the pleasure of sharing one another's company these days, it is always nice to hear from her. :0)

I opened my message to see the most beautiful message.
                                "ok so i heard this song today,,,and i could imagine as i listened to it marrying sean to it♥ i dont know if you have ever heard it i didnt but it is so you!!!"

So, of course, I clicked the link (the one I added above) and tears filled my eyes. I tried my best to blink them away, but I was so happy that they were there. For two reasons, the tears also made me smile.

(1) Sean's face, and kisses, and hugs immediately flooded my mind as I listened to the song. What a beautiful voice she has, and such amazingly perfect lyrics.

(2) The fact that my friend, Carol, would take time from her day to even talk to me.... makes me remember why I love her. The fact that while listening to such a romantically, beautiful Love song that she thought of me and my love for Sean.....speaks volumes to the love that I am lucky enough to have. Carol has only bumped into Sean once or twice since he and I have been dating, and yet.... she heard this song and thought enough of what he and I share to send it to me in hopes that it would have the effect that it did.

Sean and I have the love that fairy tales are made of. Now....don't get me wrong! We don't have a Castle and the "Suit of Armor" for my Knight is made of tin foil with the budget 3 kids keeps you on! (LOL) But, through all of the bumps in the road in which we have endured. Through all of the good, and the bad days we have had. i LOVE him. I love him more than my words can tell you, more than my fingers can type. I need him like I need air. He makes me happy to be me, he gives me courage to do the things that I do. And I pray everyday that I give half of that back to him. I hope that I make him feel, the way he makes me feel.

" I died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I
have loved you
for a Thousand years
I love your for a
Thousand More"

Thank you, Carol <3 For being such a good friend, through all the distance that life has put between us.

And thank you Sean, for giving me a Romance and a Love that people dream of. 


Heather said...

Lol remember last week when i text you to put on a certain radio station...and you didn't get it until later? same song:-)

Xoxo, Colie said...

THANK YOU for the text! :0) Amaaaazing song!

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