Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Imperfection.

Obviously, none of us are perfect.
My favorite thing to say is that we are all "perfectly-imperfect'".
But... I have this one, not-so-perfect-imperfection.

Ok, ready? This may come as a shock to most and/or all of you:
I---- care too much & try too hard.

I have this....issue? With how rude and inconsiderate people are to one another.

I will not go into detail, but I just needed to vent. I am ANGRY and I am HURT at some things that did not happen this passed weekend.

I sat quietly, and I did not call certain people out on their insensitivity and their flat out RUDENESS when Nola was born. They ignored the day, and ignored our addition. I was especially hurt since the people I am speaking of, ALWAYS receive acknowledgement from me when they have any sort of 'moment' to celebrate in their life.

But with her First Birthday....I can no longer keep my opinions to myself. Some of the same people who hurt me a year ago, hurt me again.

And maybe I am being overly sensitive, because GOD KNOWS I have a dresser drawer FULL of reasons to be hurt by these people. But, maybe because of everything that Nola is AND everything that she represents in our lives, I am at my wits end. She is the glue that binds us all together. For anyone who follows  my read my entry about what my pregnancy with her, and what her birth means to us. And for people who claim to "love" her or "care", and then to ignore've lost all my patience. I'm MAD now.

And I feel a need to distance myself, and to stop wasting time, energy, and thoughtfulness on people who obviously are too self absorbed to give a $&!T about anyone but themselves and their own feelings.

So, spend your happy time sealed inside your bubble.
Because my time and my good will, will not be entering inside of it's boundaries anymore.



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