Friday, March 9, 2012

So Much More Than Glitter, Gloss & Glam....

Late last  night I sent a friendly text to Heather (The boys Mother), letting her know if she was in need of a sober ride home from the wedding reception she would be at tonight...that this Mama was free to drive! :0)
I didn't get a response (which was understandable seeing as she works days and sleeps during 'normal people' hours, and I work 2nd shift and sleep when I can!).

Bright and early this morning, I received a text back. One that said, "What I need is a girly sister to make my hair pretty as I have 3 signature hair styles: straightened, pony, messy bun lol. Where oh where could I possibly find someone with good hair sense."

Now, the fact that we are even at a place where we (a) offer to aide one another in sober rides home and (b) compliment each other on any sort of skill we LEAPS and BOUNDS from where we began our journey (almost) 4 years ago.

Of course I said I'd help, eagerly excited for the opportunity to do real-life friend type activities with the Mother of my babies. You see.... I never want my children to have to "choose" between which of us is invited to graduation. Or which one of us sits next to them at a special school activity. I want she and I to be able to talk it out, and when appropriate for me to stay in the shadows...a happy spectator, one who loves the kids but would never steal her moments as Mommy. (And of course....if the situation calls for it....theirs always 'Rock -Paper-Scissor' in the hallway if needed! LOL)

During our 2+ hour manicure/hair/make-up extravaganza, we talked and laughed and got serious and laughed some more. I think this was the 'easiest' interaction we have had yet. I don't think either of us felt awkward and we didnt have a single forced silence to overcome! (haha!) It felt REAL. It felt comfortable. Even with little Holden running around asking us both permission for things because, bless his little heart, he was so confused as to who to go to between she and I!

It wasn't weird, it didn't feel forced. Here I sat putting rollers in her hair, and gabbing away about boys and girls and drama like we had been friends since day one. It's times like these that, while my heart aches for the pain she has had recently.... I am overwhelmed with a sense of "it's for the best". She smiles, and speaks freely. She seems SO much more confident and she walks a little taller.

It was so much fun shellacking glitter polish, and whipping out blue-sparkly (yes...BLUE! She made the same face you are, hahah!) eye shadow, and filling the room with hairspray. But really....their was so much more meaning behind all the glitter, gloss and glam.  We are continuing to build the foundation for the future we will share as co-parents. We are proving Sooooooooooooooooooo many people wrong when they say that this, "Cannot be done. It just does not work." Well to that i say, "Booo yahhhh! It does SO work(...IF and only if you BOTH invest the time and emotions that every other friendship/relationship in your life gets.)"

And as a testament to our friendship, look how pretty all our efforts turned out :0) ((See....I'm using her Party-Pretty as a metaphor lol))::::::::::

:::Heather Jene Purcell:::


Heather said...

Nichole!!! I feel famous::blushes:: thank you so much for this. It was so wonderful. And such a great move to have Holden in on it. I appreciate it so much and told everyone that you were responsible for it lol. I definitely want to keep this up. It is no small thing that we are in this place.

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