Sunday, April 22, 2012

Things I will Remember to Tell My Children

:::For the Boys:::

(1) Watch where you aim that thing in the bathroom... a piddle fairy does NOT come to clean that up, Mama does.

(2) Always keep your pants around your WAIST, your friends look silly.

(3) READ.

(4) Eat your vegetables, and don't make that face!

(5) Treat her like a Lady, and she will act like one.

(6) Strive to learn as much as you can. No matter what happens in will always keep your education.

(7) I am Proud, each and every single day.

(8) Appreciate your siblings.

(9) Sometimes....Parents make mistakes too.

(10) Choose a wife that we approve of.... we are pretty good at judging character. And we want the Best for you.

(11) When you have children: love them, hold them, and hug&kiss them just a little more than you think you should each day.

(12) You can be Strong and Weak.

(13) I Love you from the Moon.
Photo by Erin Dietrich:

:::For My Baby Girl:::

(1) You are smart. Always worry more about your test scores than your mascara or your pants size.

(2) Friends can be your most wonderful gift....or your worst nightmare. Choose them wisely.

(3)  Respect yourself.

(4) Find a man who Daddy approves of, he is a Gentleman and wants you to have one as your Partner in Life.

(5) I am sorry if you look back, and hate the hair bows that I so dearly love on you. (LOL)

(6) You will understand when you become a Mom.

(7) I Love You, Bean-a-Roo.

(8) I wanted you, more than I have ever wanted anything on Earth.

(9) Fight for what you want, and I will never be disappointed.

(10) You will make mistakes... and I will be there to help you pick up the pieces.

(11) A education is the key to unlocking your future. 

(12) When you cry, I cry.

(13) Let your Brothers, protect you.

(14) I Love You from the Moon.

Photo by Erin Dietrich:  


Heather said...

Why do you have room make me cry before 7am?!

Xoxo, Colie said...

Are you kidding? I made MYSELF cry, writing this. LOL We can share a box of kleenex.

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