Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Love Is...

*Meeting in a bar.
*Getting carried home
*Staying up all night
*having him show up at your door 4 hours after he left....
*Falling in Love in 3 days.....
*Admitting it in a playground at 2am
*Moving in after knowing each other for 3 months.
*Building train tracks for HOURSSSSS a day.
*Over coming more in the first 6 months of your relationship, than most couples do in their lives together.
*Getting all melty when I look at his arms.
*Bringing home a baby before your 4 month anniversary AND making it work.
*Making it through the turbulence that is a 'broken-family' and holding hands while we figure it out
*Laughing until your cheeks hurt
*Going to visit 'Grandpa Ed' <3
*watching LOST religiously
*Tickle fights in the kitchen
* Finding Nemo <3
*a secret language (( Hand me my Fizzy Fazzy, it's in my Pizzy Pazzy))
*ER trips with little ones
* Watching Holden learn to crawl/walk
*Watching Gavin get onto the big yellow bus for the first time
*Admitting when you're wrong
*Admitting when they are right ((NO, these are NOT the same thing))
*Knowing when to choose your battles
*Learning that parenting is HARD and their is no handbook with all the answers
*Sitting in a scary doctors office an hour away from home and hearing the words, "Autism Spectrum and Tourette's"
*Working opposite shifts when necessary
*Family Game Night
*Watching Yo Gabba Gabba and pretending you love it, because it makes tiny feeties dance
*Work, work, work
*Knowing how to communicate EVERYTHING
*When you finish eachothers sentences
*Curling up on the couch and watching silly TV shows
*waking up knowing you will never be alone
*What makes you keep trying even when it gets hard
*Worth Fighting for, if it's real
*Not something to throw away
*His hand on your preggo tummy and a smile on his face as she kicks
*My Little Pony parties in the living room
*When he kisses your neck, and you meltttttttt
*9 months of belly rubs, 6 hours of labor, and a baby in your arms
*Seeing the three of them in matching Baseball gear
*4 years....and going strong
*Not being scared to fall, because he will catch you
*There when nothing else is

<3 IloveyouSean.


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