Friday, April 13, 2012

Silly Things

Being a Mommy, means I do silly things.
Well....things that may seem silly to non-Mommies, anyway.

I get happy when my baby poops, because I know it means her belly doesn't hurt.
Hearing a house full of noise makes me smile, because I know my babies are having fun.
Hearing the words, "No Thank You" makes my heart SWELL with pride, because my babies have manners.
And having not one moment of peace and quiet during my day makes me thankful, because it means that my day has been filled with love and attention from my Man and my Kidlets.

To some....all of that may seem silly.
To me, that's LIFE.

Tomorrow is my 25th Birthday.
I never know what to ask for, and I really never deserve anything on days like birthdays or anniversaries or holidays, because my Love and my Babies buy me the things I need/want when I need/want them so really... to recieve gifts on those days seem a bit much.

This year however....I knew what I wanted.
And when I asked Sean if I could buy my own gift, he handed me the Visa and sent me on my way.

The official start of The Little League season starts on my birthday, tomorrow. So, I knew what I wanted as a present :0)

I didn't ask for jewelry, or new shoes, or a weekend getaway.
I didn't ask for a Mommy-Night-Out, or even for a romantic dinner for two.
Maybe to some of you....that was silly.

Instead, Gavin got a new baseball bat & cleats *cough*that both match his uniform*cough*, Daddy got a new baseball mit/ New cleats *cough*that match Gav's*cough* and baseball pants, and my littlest-handsome, Holden, also got a baseball surprise :0) I wanted all three of the Men in my life to feel like they are their own little 'team'. Sean lost his Father so very early on in his life, and I know how much it means to him to do 'Daddy-Stuff' ((everything messy and sports related fits into that category!)) with his boys. I want them all to look back at the pictures that I will inevitably be taking of their cuteness, and for them to remember how good it felt to be doing this 'boy' stuff together. When we went looking at baseball stuff for Gavin a month or so ago, Gavin was BEYOND excited because Sean had signed up to be one of The Team Coaches, and I was Team Mom. On that trip to the Sport's store, Holden was soooooooooooooooooo sad that he didn't get to dress like his brother or like Daddy. And his watery eyes and sad lips reminded me that some gifts....are felt in your heart and not in your hands. <3

Tomorrow when I see my handsome men all geared up and ready to go, and see the smiles on their faces as the boys realize how alike they look, my heart will melt. I know how much they love their Father, and they want to be just like him. My heart aches knowing that Sean didn't get to have a lifetime of those kinds of moments with his Dad.....

But, when Sean looks at me, like I know he will, with eyes that say "Thank You" for creating that moment tomorrow.... THAT will be the greatest gift I could've asked for. :0)

So thank you Ken from Dick's Sporting Goods, for assisting this clueless Mama through the confusing racks labled "BASEBALL" today. You were of much help, and I cannot wait to enjoy my day tomorrow.

So, yay for silly things!


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