Friday, April 6, 2012

Quarter Life Crisis Remedy = Bragging Rights

I just looked at the Calendar and weekend is my birthday! :0)
I will be *GULP* the big Two-Five this year.
And as I am often plagued with those pesky self-doubt thoughts....I am going to take a moment to brag about ME for a second. I always seem to see the AWESOMENESS that those around me possess, so for this moment....I will pretend I am not me, and I will document my accomplishments as if I didn't feel self conscious typing them :0)


Before I begin, I need to write something not-so-brag-worthy:::
I have realized that, as of thing I cannot brag about is being a good friend. I have shut some of you out, and I must look inwardly to realize why I have done so. I believe a lot of it has to do with the amount of time I spend working and trying to begin SNAPPEDphotography, as well as settling into our new home after the rough year my family had in 2010. I am fully apologetic, and I hope that as I start year 25 off, I can find what the issue at hand is....and look inside myself to remedy the problem and then look outwardly and hope that those of you whom I have pushed away, will forgive and accept me back.

Next Saturday I will be 25 year old.

I am a Mama.
I have three BEAUTIFUL babies. We may not be millionaires (Hell---I'd settle for THOUSANDaires some day! haha) But i have fashionable, well fed, HAPPY, stylish little Wonders to call mine. The ask and want for nothing, and I am comfortable in saying "No" and knowing that that makes me a GOOD Mom. My children don't have hand held gaming systems...Hi, Hello! I actually WANT to interact with my children, not have a game parent for me. We play board games and we laugh. We say I Love You waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much ((ps, too much is still NEVER ENOUGH!!!!)) We support each other and we make mistakes and learn each day :0)

I am in Love.
At the end of this month I will celebrate Four Years will the only man I have eyes for. He is my everything and we have been to Hell and back. We've made mistakes in our relationship, but I am happy to say we never go to bed mad ((Well....he spent ONE night on the couch, and that was during our WORST fight. You know....the one where you say "Get Out!" but you really mean, "Don't Leave.... I need to know we can make it through even this, together." And....we did <3)) Each day we spend in Love is a true reflection on amazing our communication skills are, and we have worked hard for that. I love my Man. <3

I am a Student.
I have been trudging away at online classes, I have tripped up along the ay and needed guidance on how to better manage my time and make sure that I LOG ON rather than plop on the couch and take that nap that I soooooo badly want at the end of my seemingly never ending work weeks. But, here I am and here we go towards that degree! WOOT!

I have a Camera. 
I love the way it feels in my hands, and I love what I can do with it. It is my most prized possession ((Outside of baby blankets, first hand prints, and my first dozen roses from Sean)) I am ever amazed at how many people enjoy what I consider to be the most fun I can have while trying to make a living. I strive to become better and to learn from anyone willing to offer some advice, or education. I am a student for life, and the World is a beautiful thing through my lens. :0)

I am a Hard Worker.
Whether it was with children, the MR/DD Population, or with the Homeless....I try my best to be in the moment and to be an essential part in everyone's day. I try to leave my home life at the door, and even though if I HAD won the Mega ((I am still convinced their was a GROSS error made on that I would be home with my babies full time (and by "home" of course I mean on our private Island), I try to forget how much I miss them and to be present and ever caring while clocked in. I choose jobs that my heart cares about, and I do not take the responsibility they require lightly. I LOVE the jobs that I have chosen, and they mean the world to me.

For the most part, I can genuinely say that I am happy with who I am at this Quarter Life Milestone. I Love and am Loved by amazing people. I am trying my best to 'catch up' to where I feel I should have been by the time I had 3 children. I put a lot of pressure on myself. And I believe that as long as I stay my biggest critic, I will achieve every goal I have for myself :0)

My Goals for this year:::

Lose 65 lbs
Read 10 books
Volunteer with the AIDS community
Plan and throw a Baby Shower for a new/great friend
Wear a White Dress
Be Happier Now, Than Ever Before

Sounds pretty good to me :0)


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