Friday, June 8, 2012

Where there is LOVE....There is LIFE

*Getting Fit = Living Life & Learning to Love MYSELF*

During my new adventures in getting fit, I find that I now have plenty of time to explore the deep and curious places in my mind. Having added an hour into each day to running, I have since realized that this simultaneously added in a full hour of solidarity. I am enjoying my new found time to ponder all of life's ponderments. ((Yes, i invented a word))

While I will admit that my mind does wander into those hateful places of bill paying and grown-up worries from time to time..... more often than not, I spend my time reflecting on what I have to be Thankful for.

Thankful for::::
Sean & Nichole (( 4 years, and going STRONG))
A relationship that is so perfectly-imperfect.
I love this Man with all my heart, and some days....
I don't feel like I deserve him.
He is my everything, and I am grateful everyday.
We have been to hell and back.
But, I am still so IN love with him.

Gavin Niles Liam
For my Little Professor.
Yes, Asperger's adds to the chaos that is my Gavin.
But...I wouldn't change him for all the money in the World.
He makes me think, and reminds me to be serious at times.
He made me a Mama.... and I cannot thank this Little Wonder enough.
I love my baby boy.

Holden Archer
I am Thankful for my Paleontologist.
I am thankful for "Rawwwrs" and for "I Love You's"
He cracks me up, and reminds me that I need to be silly.
He is the absolute definition of  BOY.
I love my babiest boy.

Nola Ainsley Fallon
Our Nola-Bean-Burrito
She blessed our life, and answered our Pink Prayers.
I enjoy every moment of playing with her hair and picking out dresses.
She was a "First" for both Sean and I, and that means SOOOOO much to us.
She is beautiful, and she is FULL of personality.
She touches a place in my heart that I didn't know existed.
I love my Little Lady.


Heather said...

Loves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's great that you have some time to be thankful<3<3<3<3 though i know you always have been.

Xoxo, Colie said...

:0) thank you!

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