Monday, June 4, 2012

A Little Rekindling

Every relationship takes work.
There....I said it.
The "ugly" thing no one likes to talk about.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we all walk around pretending that we never fight with our significant other. We all post our status updates about how wonderful and happy and in love we all are *insert vomit noise here*. Well, guess what? Sometimes, Love sucks. Sometimes, you fight. Sometimes, you don't fight....but things just get....weird?

Well, guess what? I decided to spill a little about my perfectly IMperfect relationship. Maybe it will make you feel normal, because we ALL have bad days :0) And that's OK!

Sean and I have been saying for 2 or 3 months now, that we felt "off". Something just wasn't the same between us. We weren't arguing or sending one another to the couch....but something was just----odd, for lack of a better word.

We talked it out, tried to explain how we each felt. And came to the conclusion that for whatever reason we weren't "clicking" like we always have. he said he felt like we were on the Same page of the Same book....just on different lines. I said I felt like we were trying to fit an oval into a circle. So close....and yet so far.

After 2 months of trying to talk it out, I finally had an idea.

Sean left the house clad in a dress shirt and tie, heading for the Supermarket after Nola went to sleep last night. I hopped in the shower and got dressed up because I was going on a first date......with the man I've been with for 4+ years. I put on a fancy dress, did my hair and make up and pulled out the fancy perfume. I received a text saying, "Can't wait to come over for our date. I'm bringing dinner, see you soon!" I blushed and texted back "Can't wait to meet you.....hope you remembered the wine and dessert ;0)"

He got on our front porch and knocked....((I will admit I giggled, but tried to take this whole 'we've never met before' thing seriously.)) I answered the door and let him in, he told me I had a nice apartment and asked where the kitchen was so we could make dinner together. ((He was much better at this than I anticipated!))

We got into the kitchen, made our fancy shrimp cocktail our dinner and poured some wine. We headed out to the front porch and lit all our candles, and asked each other questions like we had just met. It was ridiculously stress relieving. I was surprised at how much FUN we both had doing it. It was silly at first, yes. But after a few minutes we were both giggling and flirting like teenagers.

We went inside and watched a movie, he asked if he could kiss me ((You know.....because he was being a gentleman on our very first date)). It was hot. It was romantic. It was adorable. It was everything we needed.

We woke up today, and didn't have that funny-weird-something-is-wrong feeling anymore. We giggled all day, and played and laughed like we used to when we first met.

*So in Love*


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