Friday, June 15, 2012

Adventures in Sibling-ism::: Part Two

Gavin & Nola

I-----was scared $h*!less when Sean and I sat down to tell Gavin and Holden that we were going to have a baby. We had been asking them for months if they wanted a new baby, and they always ALWAYS said "Yes". But, still....I was deathly afraid that Gavin would have anxiety about another pregnancy. SOOOOOO much had changed in his life the last time one of his parents was pregnant, I was scared he would panic thinking that the news of my pregnancy was code for MANY more changes to come.

But, I had nothing to worry about. Both boys were very excited. ((Though Gavin did ask a TON of questions frequently...just checking in to make sure that the status quo was the same.)) We tried to make it fun! (((I think we did a good job, Right?!))

I tried to make the boys as involved as possible. I wanted them to know our Love was going to GROW, not dwindle. Gavin came with me to Babies R Us to stock up on bibs and diapers. He was there to hold my Nola-Belly as she kicked and moved. He thought it was especially funny when he would put his ear to my belly...and she would kick his head. HAHA! I wanted him to be certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that HE was still JUST as important as he had always been and that he was not going to get pushed aside.

He bonded with my belly much more quickly and intensely than I expected. He would ask to sit by me, and just stare at it. He would get REAL close to my tummy and yell "HELLO IN THERE!" then ask if she would remember his voice. ((((So super cute)))) My FAVORITE picture that I have EVER taken, is of Gavin and Nola-Belly. It was one of the most amazing moments in my life, and the relationship and acceptance he had during my pregnancy is something I will never forget.

When Nola came, and the boys were brought to the hospital to meet her....Gavin had a rough time. Hospitals make him uneasy, and seeing me all hooked up and pale made matters worse. He had a little anxiety attack and asked to go home. Part of my heart broke, because he wanted Me and Daddy and Nola to go home too....but, I had just delivered a baby 3 hours earlier! We certainly couldn't join him on his journey back to a comfort zone for him. My heart ached, partly because he was sad and partly because I was. I had envisioned the day of delivery being spent as a family of FIVE. But, my son needed to feel safe, and even though I had a new born in my arms....Gavin was and is my Baby. He needed to go. But not before getting some lovin' on his sister, and a HUGE hug goodbye!

Once we were home and things were settled, he took to her instantly. he LOVED all the pink outfits and hair bows, completely intrigued by how different it is having a girl in the house. He probably won't ever admit it, but he loved ((and still loves!)) helping pick out her clothes :0) He loved playing peek-a-boo with her, and seeing her smile. Nine out of every ten pictures I have of Nola smiling, I have because Gavin is off camera making silly faces. And the BEST ones, are when they are smiling together. She adores him.

He is a great brother, always very concerned about where she is, what she's doing, and if she is ok. He is constantly checking in on her, and is much more patient this time around when baby-crying-sounds fill the air.  He is a great Big Brother, and loves saying he is a "Big-BIG-Brother"...because he has done this twice ;0)

They really are just too cute together.....and I love watching EVERY moment.
Sibling Love EST 02.25.11


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