Friday, April 27, 2012

Operation: Team FAMILY

It should really be a four letter word.
Well.... for most people anyway.
For us, we like to spell "FAMILY" ::: p-o-s-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-i-e-s.

Some of you that have suffered a divorce (Yes, SUFFERED. No matter what the circumstances were, or what drama you dealt with::::They are never fun, and they must be endured. BUT! You CAN <and MUST> heal from them and MOVE THE F-ON!!!!) and  will CHOOSE to never move past the pain, anger, and the resentment to move onto a Happy Place.

For all of you out there::: SHAME ON YOU.
It is not you or your ex, or the Ex's new Girlfriend/ Boyfriend who will suffer. It isn't cool to make the Ex feel like a big pile of Crap-ola, or to make life a living Hell for anyone. Do you know who suffers and feels like a big steaming pile of poo? YOUR KIDS, dummy!

So to all of you out there struggling, ask yourself this:::
*Are you GENUINELY nice?
*Did you say "Happy Birthday", like you should have because Lord knows that just because you aren't in a relationship together NOW, it doesn't mean you forgot a day that you celebrated yearly the entire time you were with that person. Don't be a douche.
*Are you appreciative? (You can say thank you when someone is on time for a custodial swap, or if they don't bug the F-out if you happen to be running late.)
*Do you give some grace when following custody? It isn't nice to keep Tommy or Sally away from the other parent when you KNOW that it's Grandma's birthday at the other home and all you are going to do with the kids  is sit at home and do a whole bunch of the nothing you have planned that day. Listen Parent1, STOP BEING A MEANIE and let the kids go see Grandma with ParentA.

It is the SIMPLE stuff that brings you from WAR to Peace.
*Saying "hi" and asking how someone is, really does go a long way!
* "Thank You"'s aren't just for kids, those words can flow from your mouth too!!!!
* Be realistic: No one is perfect and life happens. Be ready to accommodate and to be flexible, because if life gets in your way you'd hope the other Parent would be willing to meet you half way too.
* HELP one another, if you see the other struggling with something STEP IN! ((Or at least ask)) You made that baby together, now suck it up and RAISE it together. You may have thrown your vows away as a couple, but the "For better Or For Worse" when it comes to a child CANNOT BE UNDONE. You are the only Mother and the only Father that(those)  kid(s) will ever have. You should help each other and be able to put the past behind you and look into your son/daughters future and see that getting slong is the only way to give them everything you have to offer.

For those of you who say this isnt possible.....Here::::

I am Team Mom, and behind the camera.
Gavin is up at bat.
Sean is one of the three Team Coaches, and standing there at First Base.
Holden is in the bleachers somewhere in this pic being a Dinosaur.
And that chilly lady decked out in a gray hoodie holding the cute baby-girl in Pink dead center in the background?
That would be Heather, holding and playing with Nola so that I could come steal this photographic moment.

Don't tell me "But, I could never do that", "It's been too long", "We just CAN'T get along"
We have had our rough waters, and we have seen many a storm.
But, I promisssssse! If you put in the time and energy, PROGRESS can be made. I am not saying it will lead to dinner dates, and amazement right away. No sir, that would be a lie. But....if you WORK at it, someday you could have normalcy instead of awkwardness. And your kids deserve for you to try to sit on the same set of bleachers at their games, and for you to go to the park together, and for you to do everything you can think of to make that happen.

I love that picture. I worked 4 years to have that picture. I am PROUD of that picture. That picture took work, and blood, and sweat, and tears. But, WE did it. WE made it through. And WE, know you can too.

Team Family

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Love Is...

*Meeting in a bar.
*Getting carried home
*Staying up all night
*having him show up at your door 4 hours after he left....
*Falling in Love in 3 days.....
*Admitting it in a playground at 2am
*Moving in after knowing each other for 3 months.
*Building train tracks for HOURSSSSS a day.
*Over coming more in the first 6 months of your relationship, than most couples do in their lives together.
*Getting all melty when I look at his arms.
*Bringing home a baby before your 4 month anniversary AND making it work.
*Making it through the turbulence that is a 'broken-family' and holding hands while we figure it out
*Laughing until your cheeks hurt
*Going to visit 'Grandpa Ed' <3
*watching LOST religiously
*Tickle fights in the kitchen
* Finding Nemo <3
*a secret language (( Hand me my Fizzy Fazzy, it's in my Pizzy Pazzy))
*ER trips with little ones
* Watching Holden learn to crawl/walk
*Watching Gavin get onto the big yellow bus for the first time
*Admitting when you're wrong
*Admitting when they are right ((NO, these are NOT the same thing))
*Knowing when to choose your battles
*Learning that parenting is HARD and their is no handbook with all the answers
*Sitting in a scary doctors office an hour away from home and hearing the words, "Autism Spectrum and Tourette's"
*Working opposite shifts when necessary
*Family Game Night
*Watching Yo Gabba Gabba and pretending you love it, because it makes tiny feeties dance
*Work, work, work
*Knowing how to communicate EVERYTHING
*When you finish eachothers sentences
*Curling up on the couch and watching silly TV shows
*waking up knowing you will never be alone
*What makes you keep trying even when it gets hard
*Worth Fighting for, if it's real
*Not something to throw away
*His hand on your preggo tummy and a smile on his face as she kicks
*My Little Pony parties in the living room
*When he kisses your neck, and you meltttttttt
*9 months of belly rubs, 6 hours of labor, and a baby in your arms
*Seeing the three of them in matching Baseball gear
*4 years....and going strong
*Not being scared to fall, because he will catch you
*There when nothing else is

<3 IloveyouSean.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Things I will Remember to Tell My Children

:::For the Boys:::

(1) Watch where you aim that thing in the bathroom... a piddle fairy does NOT come to clean that up, Mama does.

(2) Always keep your pants around your WAIST, your friends look silly.

(3) READ.

(4) Eat your vegetables, and don't make that face!

(5) Treat her like a Lady, and she will act like one.

(6) Strive to learn as much as you can. No matter what happens in will always keep your education.

(7) I am Proud, each and every single day.

(8) Appreciate your siblings.

(9) Sometimes....Parents make mistakes too.

(10) Choose a wife that we approve of.... we are pretty good at judging character. And we want the Best for you.

(11) When you have children: love them, hold them, and hug&kiss them just a little more than you think you should each day.

(12) You can be Strong and Weak.

(13) I Love you from the Moon.
Photo by Erin Dietrich:

:::For My Baby Girl:::

(1) You are smart. Always worry more about your test scores than your mascara or your pants size.

(2) Friends can be your most wonderful gift....or your worst nightmare. Choose them wisely.

(3)  Respect yourself.

(4) Find a man who Daddy approves of, he is a Gentleman and wants you to have one as your Partner in Life.

(5) I am sorry if you look back, and hate the hair bows that I so dearly love on you. (LOL)

(6) You will understand when you become a Mom.

(7) I Love You, Bean-a-Roo.

(8) I wanted you, more than I have ever wanted anything on Earth.

(9) Fight for what you want, and I will never be disappointed.

(10) You will make mistakes... and I will be there to help you pick up the pieces.

(11) A education is the key to unlocking your future. 

(12) When you cry, I cry.

(13) Let your Brothers, protect you.

(14) I Love You from the Moon.

Photo by Erin Dietrich:  

Friday, April 13, 2012

Silly Things

Being a Mommy, means I do silly things.
Well....things that may seem silly to non-Mommies, anyway.

I get happy when my baby poops, because I know it means her belly doesn't hurt.
Hearing a house full of noise makes me smile, because I know my babies are having fun.
Hearing the words, "No Thank You" makes my heart SWELL with pride, because my babies have manners.
And having not one moment of peace and quiet during my day makes me thankful, because it means that my day has been filled with love and attention from my Man and my Kidlets.

To some....all of that may seem silly.
To me, that's LIFE.

Tomorrow is my 25th Birthday.
I never know what to ask for, and I really never deserve anything on days like birthdays or anniversaries or holidays, because my Love and my Babies buy me the things I need/want when I need/want them so really... to recieve gifts on those days seem a bit much.

This year however....I knew what I wanted.
And when I asked Sean if I could buy my own gift, he handed me the Visa and sent me on my way.

The official start of The Little League season starts on my birthday, tomorrow. So, I knew what I wanted as a present :0)

I didn't ask for jewelry, or new shoes, or a weekend getaway.
I didn't ask for a Mommy-Night-Out, or even for a romantic dinner for two.
Maybe to some of you....that was silly.

Instead, Gavin got a new baseball bat & cleats *cough*that both match his uniform*cough*, Daddy got a new baseball mit/ New cleats *cough*that match Gav's*cough* and baseball pants, and my littlest-handsome, Holden, also got a baseball surprise :0) I wanted all three of the Men in my life to feel like they are their own little 'team'. Sean lost his Father so very early on in his life, and I know how much it means to him to do 'Daddy-Stuff' ((everything messy and sports related fits into that category!)) with his boys. I want them all to look back at the pictures that I will inevitably be taking of their cuteness, and for them to remember how good it felt to be doing this 'boy' stuff together. When we went looking at baseball stuff for Gavin a month or so ago, Gavin was BEYOND excited because Sean had signed up to be one of The Team Coaches, and I was Team Mom. On that trip to the Sport's store, Holden was soooooooooooooooooo sad that he didn't get to dress like his brother or like Daddy. And his watery eyes and sad lips reminded me that some gifts....are felt in your heart and not in your hands. <3

Tomorrow when I see my handsome men all geared up and ready to go, and see the smiles on their faces as the boys realize how alike they look, my heart will melt. I know how much they love their Father, and they want to be just like him. My heart aches knowing that Sean didn't get to have a lifetime of those kinds of moments with his Dad.....

But, when Sean looks at me, like I know he will, with eyes that say "Thank You" for creating that moment tomorrow.... THAT will be the greatest gift I could've asked for. :0)

So thank you Ken from Dick's Sporting Goods, for assisting this clueless Mama through the confusing racks labled "BASEBALL" today. You were of much help, and I cannot wait to enjoy my day tomorrow.

So, yay for silly things!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Quarter Life Crisis Remedy = Bragging Rights

I just looked at the Calendar and weekend is my birthday! :0)
I will be *GULP* the big Two-Five this year.
And as I am often plagued with those pesky self-doubt thoughts....I am going to take a moment to brag about ME for a second. I always seem to see the AWESOMENESS that those around me possess, so for this moment....I will pretend I am not me, and I will document my accomplishments as if I didn't feel self conscious typing them :0)


Before I begin, I need to write something not-so-brag-worthy:::
I have realized that, as of thing I cannot brag about is being a good friend. I have shut some of you out, and I must look inwardly to realize why I have done so. I believe a lot of it has to do with the amount of time I spend working and trying to begin SNAPPEDphotography, as well as settling into our new home after the rough year my family had in 2010. I am fully apologetic, and I hope that as I start year 25 off, I can find what the issue at hand is....and look inside myself to remedy the problem and then look outwardly and hope that those of you whom I have pushed away, will forgive and accept me back.

Next Saturday I will be 25 year old.

I am a Mama.
I have three BEAUTIFUL babies. We may not be millionaires (Hell---I'd settle for THOUSANDaires some day! haha) But i have fashionable, well fed, HAPPY, stylish little Wonders to call mine. The ask and want for nothing, and I am comfortable in saying "No" and knowing that that makes me a GOOD Mom. My children don't have hand held gaming systems...Hi, Hello! I actually WANT to interact with my children, not have a game parent for me. We play board games and we laugh. We say I Love You waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much ((ps, too much is still NEVER ENOUGH!!!!)) We support each other and we make mistakes and learn each day :0)

I am in Love.
At the end of this month I will celebrate Four Years will the only man I have eyes for. He is my everything and we have been to Hell and back. We've made mistakes in our relationship, but I am happy to say we never go to bed mad ((Well....he spent ONE night on the couch, and that was during our WORST fight. You know....the one where you say "Get Out!" but you really mean, "Don't Leave.... I need to know we can make it through even this, together." And....we did <3)) Each day we spend in Love is a true reflection on amazing our communication skills are, and we have worked hard for that. I love my Man. <3

I am a Student.
I have been trudging away at online classes, I have tripped up along the ay and needed guidance on how to better manage my time and make sure that I LOG ON rather than plop on the couch and take that nap that I soooooo badly want at the end of my seemingly never ending work weeks. But, here I am and here we go towards that degree! WOOT!

I have a Camera. 
I love the way it feels in my hands, and I love what I can do with it. It is my most prized possession ((Outside of baby blankets, first hand prints, and my first dozen roses from Sean)) I am ever amazed at how many people enjoy what I consider to be the most fun I can have while trying to make a living. I strive to become better and to learn from anyone willing to offer some advice, or education. I am a student for life, and the World is a beautiful thing through my lens. :0)

I am a Hard Worker.
Whether it was with children, the MR/DD Population, or with the Homeless....I try my best to be in the moment and to be an essential part in everyone's day. I try to leave my home life at the door, and even though if I HAD won the Mega ((I am still convinced their was a GROSS error made on that I would be home with my babies full time (and by "home" of course I mean on our private Island), I try to forget how much I miss them and to be present and ever caring while clocked in. I choose jobs that my heart cares about, and I do not take the responsibility they require lightly. I LOVE the jobs that I have chosen, and they mean the world to me.

For the most part, I can genuinely say that I am happy with who I am at this Quarter Life Milestone. I Love and am Loved by amazing people. I am trying my best to 'catch up' to where I feel I should have been by the time I had 3 children. I put a lot of pressure on myself. And I believe that as long as I stay my biggest critic, I will achieve every goal I have for myself :0)

My Goals for this year:::

Lose 65 lbs
Read 10 books
Volunteer with the AIDS community
Plan and throw a Baby Shower for a new/great friend
Wear a White Dress
Be Happier Now, Than Ever Before

Sounds pretty good to me :0)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Loving Our Tori

We love her.
The kids Love her.
She is amazing, and wish she lived closer.
Having her spend a weekend with us was a sad, sad tease. :0(

How do you not want to love on these faces everyday????

PS-----we miss you

PPS----- get.on.a.train.NOW.

PPS------are you on the train yet????