Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Getting to Love::: ME

As long as I can remember, I have been a chunky monkey.

Couple a natural distaste for sweating with an addict Father whose idea of a "Meal" was a bag of Slim Jim's and a side of potato chips...and you get a Lifetime of poor eating/exercise habits.

I've never liked how I look, and I have always been the heaviest among my friends. Now, while this has created a defense mechanism of awesomely awesome humor and a fun personality ((Yes.... I'm more Awesome than you. Put that in Your Juice box and Suck it.))..... I'd like to also look as good as my personality portrays that I feel.

I'm at a point in my Life where I feel loved and needed.
I have an AMAZING Family, and I want us to have all that Life has to offer.
I should be happy AND healthy.

For the first time in my life I am eating right, and I ENJOY exercise. Going for a jog with my baby, is one of the highlights of my day. I LIKE running around like an idiot at the park with my kids and knowing that I am having fun AND burning calories.

I'm not looking to be a size 2, that's just unrealistic for me. I just want to be able to look in the mirror and smile with what I see :0) We will see where this journey takes me, but for now... I am just excited that my clothes are fitting better, and that soon they won't fit and I will need a smaller size!

I am happy, and soooooooooooo grateful that Sean is so good to me. He tells me I am beautiful no matter what the tag in my jeans says....but for once, I'd like to FEEL as pretty as he says I am.

He is amazing, and he deserves me to try and be as healthy as possible. And Hell, let's be honest. Even Mama's and Daddy's have needs.... this couldn't hurt our sex life any! =P

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Sunday, May 13, 2012


In honor of Mother's Day, I want to write about Mother's who have inspired me.
((My Inspirations will be in no particular order, and your ego should neither inflate nor deflate based upon your placement on the list.))

My Grandma- I grew up within the walls of her home, and her heart. She has been there for me, when no one else was. She is the most selfless person I know. And she is amazing.

Kathryn- One of my Best Friends. She had three beautiful Little Ladies, and puts them first above all else. No matter what hectic, crazy, run-around schedule the girls create with their never ending extra curricular activities....she is there, making sure their day gets completed efficiently.

 Erin- She is my favorite Floridian, and the best Mom in the state. She loves her Son, and her Stepson. She has crafted a Family,and  one that is crossing State lines no less! She somehow manages to keep it together while raising her son and also keeping tabs and sending love to her Stepson in Wisconsin.

Courtney- This Mama somehow manages to do it all! She's a Mama, Wife, Student, Teacher, Advocate, Jewelry Maker, Blogger, and I'm sure more! The way she is able to multi-task is seriously making the rest of us look bad!

Heather- The Mommy of my babies, and a Lady who has opened her heart to allowing me to have the title and the role that I do. She has overcome ups and downs in the last few years, that would send some women screaming and running for cover. She has met her challenges with a firm stance, and always kept her eyes on what the ultimate goal is: Her Boys.

Brooke- A Mommy on a mission! She is always there with something sarcastic and witty to throw your way, and she is always, ALWAYS smiling! This Mama never has a negative thing to say, and always seems to be in a constant state of "Glass Half Full". Rock on, Mama!

Nicole Eve- This Mommy never fails in amazing me at how dedicated she is. Years younger than most of us, and this chica puts some of us to shame. She works crazy hours, and still manages to be one of the most dedicated I know.

Cheryl- I am so lucky to have found this Mama. She is fun, and funny and her boys LOVE her. She lets them be who they are, and you can see how much they appreciate it. She is always there ((with a glass of wine!)) when I need her. She is an AMAZING inspiration, and I have learned so, SO much from her. She is forever making me laugh with her honesty, and the faces she makes when she is telling a story. Whenever I am with her, I don't have to pretend to be anyone else. :0) And for that....I appreciate every moment I get to spend with my friend.

Melanie- This Mama has been a happy new addition to my circle of friends. An afternoon of gossip and Girl Time on her back porch is enough to fix any problem. She is a fun time, and she is a Great Mom. She is fun when she needs to be, but since her girls have her attitude---sometimes this Mama needs to lay down the law! 

Lastly, I want to thank my very BEST inspirations....

My Babies <3 They are my Life's greatest joy. Everything I am, and everything that i do is for/because of them. Whenever my thoughts are weak...they strengthen me. They give me the courage to be myself, and to be Strong for them. I love them more than I could ever tell them. But I try to show them everyday. They are perfect, and beautiful, and best of all.....they are mine <3

Now, I know I haven't been able to wish ALL of you a Happy Mother's Day on here... and for that I am sorry. I hope you know that I love you ALL and that you each help mold me in some way. Whether I see a picture you have taken or read about the day you've had.... you inspire me to take a deep breath and to remember what matter in my moments of weakness. You have each aided me on my journey in some way, and for that...on this day, I am Thankful that you are a part of my life.


Monday, May 7, 2012


I don't know what I did to deserve them.
But, not one day goes by that I do not appreciate the fact,  that I do not deserve them.
I am not worthy of such happiness, or of this much Love.
I will strive each and every day of my life to become a good enough Mother, ((soon-to-be-Wife)), Friend, Confidant, and Safe Haven for them.
They are my Smiles, and my Tears.
They are my Heart.
They are my Soul.
They are my World.
They are my Meaning.

Photo by::: The  (( Soon To Be)) Ardent Lens
Heather Purcell

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just in case

Just in case I forgot to say it today.....

I love you.

And I will love you every day.