Saturday, November 14, 2015

Til Death Do Us PAR{en}T

When I met Sean, I knew as soon as he started speaking about Gavin and about his "Little Sprout" on the way, that I was adventuring into a situation, not just a relationship.

Coming from a 'broken family' myself, I knew what all the possible outcomes of my involvement looked like. I knew what my life would be. I knew what I was 'getting myself into'. Or, so I thought.

I thought, back then, that Sean and I would forever sit side by side with Heather and her fiancèe across from us. Sure, we 'came to the table'. We talked.  We were raising the same boys. We discussed medical info, school issues, sport sign ups. Necessary,  unavoidable raising-the-same-kids stuff. But, we did not "coparent", as we have since learned to. We were never a Team.

Those were difficult days. Days where you prayed before entering the Galleria that you wouldnt all run into eachother. Days where you'd swear under your breath if one of the boys fell, and you had to explain a bruise. Days where anxiety was an all too common state of norm. Days where sharing the boys wasn't easy.

Ugly Days.

Then.... we found ourselves in an unexpected circumstance. An unexpected text message I recieved on the way home from CVS, just as the rain began to fall from the hurricane. A text saying Heather was now single. That she was alone with the boys. Many expected us to become 2:1. I wouldn't have it. I had worked too hard and invested too many hours crafting homemade gifts trying to create peace amongst us. For the sake of our boys. This hurricane would pass, and so would her heartache. We would figure it all out together. Her birthday arrived shortly thereafter, and Nola gave her a tiara and flowers. And that.... was Day One.

So. We were three.  We chose to bond together,  rather than create a 'two against one' situation. We had some serious stuff to hash out, Ugly Day stuff to sort through. But, somewhere between a summers day diagnosis of Aspergers for Gavin, and a pre Christmas margarita meet up between Heather & I at Chili's.....we had sorted some serious shit out. We all found Team Purcell.

Sean and I were obviously always going to be a unit, we had taken vows to support each other. We would always be on the same page, and be on the same side. So I made it my mission for Heather and I to establish something special.  I wanted her to see through me, to my heart. To see what my intentions were, in such a way that she would never have to guess if any of my actions had alterior motives. To know where my lines were drawn. And I wanted to know hers. I was sick of years of guessing if a text had a snotty attitude attached. Sick of trying to figute out if "It's fine." meant it was fine, or that we were actually fighting. I wanted her to know that I'm not in any sort of competition.  Im not here to battle for the position of Best Female Influence in The Life of Gavin and Holden. I wasnt vying for any awards. Im not trying to be their Mom.She's their Mother. Im here really and truly because I love these boys as much as I love their Daddy. And I didn't want to have limits on my love. I hoped she could see that. I know my place is behind her whenever it needs to be. When a situation doesnt have room or cater to a multiple parent family, I know she and Sean get first dibs.  But, whenever possible..... I wanted to have a front row seat too. I wanted her to know.... I WANT that. I didn't want to have important days of our sons lives told to me. I wanted to experience them as well.

Ugly days seemed a thing of the past.
People commended us,  people called us "inspirational".

We had done it.
We built something beautiful & strong.
We had something I wished so badly that my parents could have done.

Then..... summer of 2014 came.

Much newness entered.

Sean and I were {SURPRISE!} expecting, and Heather was growing in her own way.

All of a sudden we were anticipating a new little male human and she was entertained by a grown male human. A relationship. She had a Mister, and he had his own children and baggage.

It was a strange time.

Sean and I had always anticipated Heather adding another Misses to our Team. Sean never expected another male to share his boys with. And I had mentally prepared to welcome whoever the "She" in our future was to be with open arms. It may seem a trivial part of the equation.....but we were both unsure how to react to this new man being throw into the mix. This was not the future we anticipated.

You certainly can't be angry at someone for ending up in a heterosexual relationship. {though.... the irony of it is not lost on me} And we weren't/aren't.  It was just.....complicated.  It caught us off guard. I don't do well without a plan. I had NOT planned for this.

Add to that all of the factors of my pregnancy, and getting ready for Number Four...whilst my friend and Mother of my eldest sons was busy building something new..... distance.

Distance invaded our Team.

Her new Mister was not a stranger. His was a friendly face to our family. Someone we had known.

Initially,  we saw this as a note of comfort. We new he wasn't a serial killer. He wasn't going to skip town with Heather and the boys, leading us on a manhunt cross country.

But.... shit. We also knew The Former MrsMister. That complicated things in a way I did NOT anticipate.

The fact that those two were fairly recently separated and still figuring out exactly what that looks like and taking steps to be separate forever.... whoa. It's hard to watch other people go through the Ugly Days. Almost as difficult as being their yourself.

I tried my darndest to be Sweden. I wanted neutrality.  I avoided Heather,  and asked her not to tell me details about her new relationship for months. It made me a shitty friend to her, but.... I wanted no involvement.  I wanted to proudly wave a white flag. If someone asked if I knew anything,  I wanted to HONESTLY be able to look them in the eyes and say "no".  I didn't want The Former MrsMister to feel like it was her against the world. Like she was sucked in to a huge math equation that didnt account for her. One that would.leave her negative. Team Purcell is/was unconventional. It's a lot to be thrown into. it were.... have thrown at you, without a choice. And I knew balancing both friendships would be a delicate, more accurately, impossible feat at this stage in the process.

Getting divorced sucks.
Starting new relationships sucks.
Doing both simultaneously.....FKN sucks.

I remember those days watching Sean survive ut all too well.

I just wanted distance from their journey.

But... hard days inevitably occured.

And I remember being odd-chick-out during the Ugly Days. I remember loving so hard, and having no say. I remember crying alone in the shower and wishing I didnt have to share my people.  I remember rage over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and the urge to throat punch. I couldn't just sit back,  knowing all too well the struggles Heather must have been struggling.


The Former MrsMister.


I like her oh so much. We had never had wine night or stayed up all night chatting on a sofa, but social media makes Mamas close. You see each others days, and sometimes you just need a "you're doing great! Hang in there! " and she had always been there for that. She cheered me on when I began running, and comforted me in the most genuine way when I had to stop running, due to an unexpected pregnancy. I unleashed ugly thoughts and feelings....and she never judged. Never.

Her days were no picnic either.  Ugly Days are for everyone in the beginning.  Not just for odd-chick-out. I lent to her the insight I had procured through our years of Team Purcell.  We got each other. These days are hard. We shared many a deep sigh, and simple nod. And we both knew everything that one moment meant.

I did my best to support all parties.
I always want to fix.
I always want to friend.

But, somehow, despite my greatest efforts the rules I set for myself and my best intentions....

I find myself with no one to support.
No one to encourage.
No one to engage in discussion of these circumstances.

In betraying my initial stance on being Sweden and in lowering my white flag, in deciding to cross into the battle zone to lend a hand.... I have made myself smell of the enemy. I have made all parties leary that I am a Trojan Horse.

So, here I sit.
Exactly where I didn't want to end up.

It is amazing to me, looking back, how adding one relationship has set Team Purcell back five years. We certainly aren't back in the Ugly Days.... but, I feel as though we must rebuild from the bottom up.

Funny how it all started after a hurricane.  That a storm is where our story began. I find myself bracing against the wind these days. Waiting for the pressure to subside, and normalcy to return once more. I await the sun.

When I took vows with Sean, I made promises to his (our) sons as well. I promised to love and respect their Mother, because I love and respect them. And they are half of her. Mind, body, and soul. I cannot love them, and not also love her.

Til death due us PAR(en)T.
On the good days, and the bad.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

My Dreams: Volume I

Sean is always telling me to document tge dreams {nightmares} that i have. They wake me up in a cold sweat. They stay with me. They feel so real, that my heart continues to race long after my eyes have opened. And my soul aches for whatever loss I experienced even longer.

Here was last night::::::

I woke up to the sound of people downstairs. In my house.

I turn on the bedside lamp.

*BANG* theyre in my livingroom.

I crawl to her room.

*CLANG* theyre in my kitchen.

She's sleeping.

I crawl to the hallway.

I look down the three stories that separates me and this hallway from the groundfloor. I look above. All those beautiful, stained glass spheres that dangle in a beautiful symphony of different heights, in a pattern that looks like music would, glisten in the dim lighting and seem to twinkle a hello at me.

My fingers trace the metallic button on the wall.

*SMASH*  theyre getting closer.

I presh the button.

Every sphere was strategically placed when we built this house. Each aligned with a panel of the glass ramp that leads from the first floor, to the third. We have no second floor.

The spheres dance the destructive dance they were  each created for. They shatter, as does our ramp beneath it.

I walk down the hall, back to her room. I disable the elevator as I pass it.



I take a small breath trying to find a rhythm. I can calm down for a moment. It will take whoever is in my house a while to figure out a plan to get to is now.

But now she and I are trapped in out beautiful fortress.

I get to her bedroom, and he's there with her. Sitting on the edge of her bed. She loves him, as much as that's possible.

I trust Maxwell III with her, almost as much as i trust myself.

Maxwell and Maxwell II didnt have the delicate touch that Tree has. She has affectionately called him "Tree" ever since she first mispronounced III all those years ago.

After altering some programming and updating some software, my husband had made rge perfect companion for she and I. He was gone so often on business trips, making millions and leaving us alone that he decided he needed Tree.

Tree protects her. I know he would tonight.

I go back to the hall.

I call down to the people in my home.

A woman answers my call.

Then a man.

They come into view at the base of the cement cavern that my glass symphony created.

It's my husband and his It.

I know why they are here.

They must not get to the top floor.

He designed this house.

It won't be long.

I'll be able to hold them off, but not forever.

Tree and I fight valiantly.

He sacrifices himself, to save I knew he would.

We are all in her bedroom.

She is crying.

"Why? I gave you everything you asked for. I'm accepting the divorce.  We are going to leave the house. We don't want anymore money from you than we need. Why? Why are you doing this?"

"You know why." Is the only answer I receive.

I fight.
I struggle.
I scream.
It shuts me up.
He goes after her.

She screams.
Her arms flair about, swatting at him.
"No, Daddy!"

But he doesnt care.

His hands touch her.

And her screaming stops.
Her movement stops.

I know she will never move again.

It releases me.

I run to her.

I throw myself in bed beside her and pull her to my lap. I sob.

I see his silhouette in her doorway.

A small metallic chip, shines from the hall light in his hand.

"But you never would have given me her."

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Brown play dough.

You know that feeling that you get, when you crack open a new pack of play dough?  All the colors await you, sitting nicely in their appropriate containers. There they sit. Smooth. Cylindrical,  perfectly formed to fit the tube in which they arrived to you in. 

You know it will never go back in that way. It will never be perfect again. It will never again be untouched or flawless. 

But, take it out and play. 

You roll it, and slam it, cut it into bits, roll it into balls. Try to create something prettier than that perfect cylindrical product that you found just moments ago.  

It's inevitable. 
Every time.
No matter how hard you try.
No matter how much you say you won't. 
You mix the colors. 

You do it in hopes that the masterpiece you are left with will be worth it. 

Sometimes it is. Sometimes you make all the right choices, and its a wonderful day.

Sometimes,  its just poop-brown play dough. 
Sometimes, you need to try again.

Figure out where you went wrong. 
What shouldn't mix again. 

The next time,  you're more cautious. 
You stop. 
You think about the choices youre making. 
Because you don't want poop again. 

It's funny, really.
Whether we are five, twenty-five, thirty-five, or seventy-five.... the allure of play dough is always there. To mold it. Shape it. Squeeze it into something new. 

It may seem juvenile. But, maybe it's just practice. 

Play dough is just doing its job. 
Stress relieving. 
Reminding us to slow down. 
Make wise decisions.
Or, we get poop. 
And have to try again.