Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Husband

My Husbands hair is graying, in a salt and pepper fashion, from loving so hard and from caring so deeply. It is gray from worry, and it is gray mostly from decisions that others made in his life. He is a kind Man, one who follows lovingly and who doesn't like to fight. He has traveled on other peoples roads, and although I am loud....and stubborn....and I hate to 'lose', I always try to meet him half way because he has had his fair share of giving and not enough taking in his time.

My Husband has kind eyes. Eyes that look at me and all my flaws and still decide to stay and to Love. Eyes that watch our children grow, and eyes that cried each time one of them entered this World.

My Husband has soft lips. Lips that kiss for no reason, or kiss with passion, or kiss away tears.

My Husband has strong arms. Arms that scooped me up the first night I met him. Arms that hold me any time I'm scared. Arms that pull me back, when I push him away to see if he will leave like everyone else. Arms that never let my push be stronger than his hold.

My Husband has a gentle heart, one that beats for his Family and one that welcomes back ones who have broken it. His heart could fit the World twice over, and I am still unsure how I am so lucky to hold such a large place in it.

This Man that I married 365 days ago.....
This Man that is my everything.....
This Man that made me a Mama & a Mommy....
This Man will never be able to ask of me anything that will amount to or equal  what he has given  to me.

He has given me stability, helped me reclaim my sanity when I thought I had none, and he has given me my Family.

I, the girl who swore off marriage, have completely given this Man my Love.

Happy Anniversary, Love. 


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