Monday, September 24, 2012

Inside My Head: Random Facts / Thoughts

1. I would rather eat Chinese food cold out of the fridge the second day, then hot and fresh from delivery

2. I think my cell phone and I were romantically connected in a previous life. I always go to check it and as soon as I turn the screen on...I inexplicably receive a text. We just get each other. <3

3. I miss running, and need to restart loving myself.

4. I hate driving in Fall when leaves adorn the ground and rain falls upon them.

5. Sierra Mist > Sprite. (No, this IS real. I dont care what you say....)

6. A romantic date as a Mommy of 3 = a case of Sam Adams Cherry Wheat and "The Fighter" on Netflix.

7. I LOVE broccoli.....but only smothered in cheese.

8. I am PROUD that Sean, Heather, and I have what we have. And I am so not concerned with the sideways glances and "Sayyyy Whaaaa?!" eyebrows I get when explaining. You do not concern me. THE END!

9. I kiss my babies every single night when I come home from work....even though that means they get "waked up" at 12:30am

10. FAMILY: is what you make it, and I have Grandparents whom I should call 'Mom and Dad', my kids have 'Aunt' Kathryn and 'Uncle' Joe and 3 nieces that share no blood line but mean more to us than anything,   My (ex)Step-Mom (whom divorced my Father, whom I do not interact with) is one of my best friends, and Heather has become an important member of Team Purcell not only in her house or because her title is "Mom" but because she has genuinely earned a place in our home as well, and Nola loves seeing her walk through our door.

11. I </3 Excel, and use it 40+ hours a week. *head.desk.repeat*

12. I break cell phones like its my job.

13. My camera should be permanently implanted where my right hand is.

14. If you ask me "where do you want to go for lunch?" I will ALWAYS say Nathan's at the Galleria, and ALWAYS order their South Western Chipotle Chicken Wrap. Screw you Friday's, Outback, Chili's, etc...

15. I need to learn how to cry.

16. I watch scary movies through my fingers, and only put up with them so I can sit on Sean's lap. ( But...not REALLY scary movies. Only mildly-we're-going-to-lie-and-tell-Colie-this-movie-was-horrific-to-make-her-feel-like-a-big-girl Movies.)

17. I have like 321674116574 jobs, and love them all.

18. Finding Nemo on repeat for 6 hours, was the best date I ever had <3

19. I watched, photographed, and aided in a child birth *holding a foot* I'm practically a Doctor.

20. I rock myself to sleep, and it used to drive Sean CrAzY, but secretly..... I think he enjoys it now and misses it when I'm not home.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 08- I'm abandoning ship

I am a horrible blogger when set to a schedule, and as proof....I'm abandoning ship on this 25 days of songs. LOL

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 07- A song that reminds you of the past summer

Summer 2012:
Grey's Anatomy theme song. Many a date night spent watching this and snuggling <3